1 All talk about consciousness, volition, and aiming at ends is empty..任何有关意识、意志和最终目的的讨论是没有意义的。
2 All the men have is momentum and loaded weapons, which seem to fire of their own volition, since that's what loaded weapons like to do..这些男人们拥有的只有狂野的冲劲和上膛的武器,就仿佛这些武器都以自己的意志在开火一般,因为这正是上膛的武器的诉求。
3 We perceive something in the world that we want and we have the power of volition to get it; likewise, we have the power to avoid the things we don’t want..我们将世界中的事物认知为我们需要的,和我们有意志力能得到的;同样,我们有能力避免不想发生的事情。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:18:49