1 “No matter how he stuffs his readers with verbiage, it never amounts to a core of truth, ” he said..“不管他如何用废话喂饱他的读者,那些话都毫无真实可言,”他说。
2 On his first visit to the US, and in his maiden address to the UN general assembly, Gaddafi fully lived up to his reputation for eccentricity, bloody-mindedness and extreme verbiage..这是卡扎菲首次访问美国,也是他第一次在联大发表演讲;而他的表现也没有辜负他“性情古怪、诚心找茬、废话连篇”的名声。
3 Even in little 140-character bites, that's a lot of verbiage..即使限制在一推140个字,也有很大一部分是废话。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:06:33