独角兽;麒麟英释中释nan imaginary animal like a white horse with a long straight horn growing on its head
1 The reason there are so few unicorn sightings today isn't because they are mythical creatures that never existed, but because of modern society's moral depravity..这些年很少有人见到独角兽,这并非因为那都是童话,现实里压根就不存在什么的。 而是现代社会人心不古,道德沦丧。
2 Many medieval pictures of the unicorn portray it resting its head, with phallic horn, in the lap of a maiden, an image with not too hidden sexual imagery..独角兽在许多中世纪的图画中,总是低着头,顶着阴茎一般的角,依偎在少女的裙下,呈现出一幅性暗示不那么隐晦的图景。
3 Opening image: A glorious well-oiled angel riding on a winged unicorn. Sure, it's sexy. But too sexy?.开场图片:一个辉煌的醉酒天使骑在长翅膀的独角兽上。当然,它性感。但是很性感么?
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:51:18