麻烦 烦恼 故障 动乱英释
Recent stock market losses point to trouble ahead..最近股市的下跌预示着未来将有麻烦。
in trouble,在监禁中;处于不幸中;处困难中
get into trouble,使自己或他人陷入困扰之境
have trouble,v. 在...有困难
hidden trouble,隐患
make trouble,捣乱;制造麻烦
trouble shooting,问题解答
have trouble with,v. 与...有纠纷;有...的病痛
a sea of troubles,困难重重;无穷无尽的麻烦
cause trouble,肇事
out of trouble,摆脱麻烦;脱离了困境
stomach trouble,胃病
make trouble for,给……带来麻烦
run into trouble,陷入困境之中
give someone trouble,给别人添麻烦,麻烦人家,打扰人家[亦作 put someone to (或to the)trouble]
give oneself trouble,尽力,费力
in times of trouble,在患难的时候
don't trouble,别费事
heart trouble,心脏病
trouble shoot,故障查找
borrow trouble,自找麻烦,杞人忧天