转变 变迁 过渡英释
Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful..从青少年过渡到成年有时是一个非常痛苦的过程。
a society that is in transition.一个正在转型的社会
the period of transition to full democracy.向全面民主的过渡时期
There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter.句意: 我很喜欢季节转换的时期, 不过最喜欢的一段要数从秋季过渡到冬季那会儿了。transmission: 传送; transformation: 转化, 改革; transfer: 转移, 转让。314transfer
The ______ from childhood to adulthood is always a critical time for everybody.句意: 从儿童到成年的过渡对每个人都十分关键。conversion: 变化, 转换; turnover: 营业额。214transformation
Retirement is obviously a very complex ______ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better.句意: 退休显然是一个非常复杂的过渡期, 打算得越早, 度过得也就越顺利。transaction: 交易, 办理。414transition
transition period,过渡时期
phase transition,相变
transition temperature,[电]转移温度
transition metal,过渡金属
glass transition,[物]玻璃转化
glass transition temperature,玻璃化温度;玻璃转换温度
transition zone,过渡区;转变区;移行区
smooth transition,顺利过渡,平稳过渡
state transition,状态转换
transition state,过渡状态,转变状态
transition probability,转移概率;跃迁概率
transition layer,过渡层;转变层
transition region,[植]过渡区;[物]渡越区
transition curve,过渡曲线,介曲线;缓和曲线;转变曲线
transition economy,转轨经济
transition matrix,跃迁矩阵
transition point,[电]转移点
transition time,瞬变时间,渡越时间;迁移时间
gradual transition,渐变;逐次跃迁;缓变结
phase transition temperature,相变温度;相转变湿度
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