


做买卖 交换英释


做买卖;交换英释vvto buy and sell goods, services etc as your job or business


1 foreign trade,外贸,对外贸易

2 international trade,国际贸易

3 world trade,世界贸易

4 trade in,买卖;抵价购物

5 trade something for something,用某物换某物,用某货换某货

6 free trade,[经]自由贸易

7 export trade,出口贸易;出口商

8 world trade organization,世界贸易组织(产生于关贸总协定的乌拉圭谈判, 其目的是为促进多边贸易谈判和协议而成立的。)

9 trade with,从事贸易;和…做贸易;与…做生意

10 trade center,贸易中心

11 trade union,工会

12 processing trade,加工贸易;委托加工贸易

13 carrying trade,海外贸易,转口贸易

14 trade mark,商标;特征

15 trade policy,贸易政策

16 service trade,服务业;劳务贸易

17 trade surplus,贸易顺差;贸易盈余

18 trade fair,商品交易会;贸易展销会

19 trade off,权衡;卖掉;交替使用;交替换位

20 trade for,以…换得;贸易交换


1 真题例句...Citizens gathered to view and trade precious artworks...第一套CET62017.6文本题

2 真题例句...its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing...第二套CET62016.6阅读理解

3 真题例句...Take your average trade union member...第三套CET62015.12阅读理解

4 真题例句...and obviously trade unions are one of the biggest civil society networks in the UK...第三套CET62015.12阅读理解

5 真题例句...a two-year environmental campaign aimed at trade unionists...第三套CET62015.12阅读理解

6 真题例句...brings down the trade deficit...第一套CET62013.6阅读理解

7 真题例句...and institutions that control the trade in oil exercise extraordinary power...第二套CET62013.6阅读理解

8 真题例句...The trade on the Silk Road has played an important role in the development of the civilizations of China...第三套CET62013.12文本题

9 真题例句...The larger the trade deficit...CET62011.12阅读理解

10 真题例句...When the Commerce Department reported last week that the trade deficit in June approached $50 billion...CET62011.12阅读理解


1 They had to travel into town to trade the produce from their farm..他们不得不到镇上去出售他们农场的产品。

2 We traded necklaces..我们交换了项链。
