才能 天才 天资英释
He has a lot of talent , and his work is fresh and interesting..他很有天赋,作品新颖有趣。
a persuasive speaker with a natural talent for leadership.有领导天赋、颇有辩才的演说者
His latest book reveals hidden talents ..他最新的一本书展现了他深藏不露的才能。
Sadly, she inherited none of her father’s musical talent ..可惜的是,她一点都没有继承她父亲的音乐天赋。
Your brother is a man of many talents ..你的弟弟是个多才多艺的人。
There’s a wealth of talent in English football..英格兰足球界人才济济。
talent for,天才;有…的天赋
talent development,人才开发;才能发展
talent show,才艺表演会;业余演出比赛
talent education,才能教育
artistic talent,艺术才能
talent pool,人才库
literary talent,文才;文学天赋
natural talent,天赋,自然禀赋
talent scout,n. 人才发掘者;伯乐
inter-disciplinary talent,复合型人才
talent agency,人才机构