象征 标志
The symbol on the packet is a guarantee that the food has been produced organically..包装盒上的这个标识保证这种食物是有机生产的。
Many people like white color as it is a ____ of purity. a symbol of: …的象征。句意: 许多人喜欢白色, 因为它是纯洁的象征。sign: 记号, 迹象, 征兆; signal: 信号, 讯号, 暗示; symptom: 症状, 征兆, 预兆。114symptom
status symbol社会地位象征
olympic symbol奥林匹克标志,奥林匹克五环旗
symbol table符号表
map symbol地图符号;图例
visual symbol视觉符号
phonetic symbol音符,音标;语音符号
graphic symbol图形符号
chemical symbol化学符号
sex symboln. 性感的人;性感的演员
symbol rate符号率
真题例句...because white is regarded as the symbol of purity...第二套CET42016.12文本题
真题例句 the symbol of Harbin...第二套CET42014.6写作题
真题例句...The giant panda has special significance for WWFin that it has been the organization's symbol since 1961 when WWF was founded...第三套CET42014.12文本题