


贮藏 保管英释


the storage of highly radioactive material.高放射性材料的存放

storage costs.保管费用


data storage,数据存储

storage system,存储系统;存储器存储系统

energy storage,蓄能;能量储存;储能器

storage tank,储油罐;储蓄槽

storage space,贮存面积,存储空间;贮藏室

cold storage,冷藏;坟墓

storage capacity,存储容量;蓄电池容量;积聚电容

gas storage,气体贮藏,充气贮藏;储气罐

water storage,蓄水;水库;水上贮木

oil storage,油库;油料储存

storage battery,蓄电池;蓄电池组

storage stability,贮存稳定性;耐储存性

storage time,储存时间

storage device,[计]存储设备

storage period,保藏期,储存期;贮藏期;蓄水期

pumped storage,[电工学]抽水蓄能

storage area,存储区;贮油区;贮物用地

storage life,保存期限

storage and transport,储运

storage equipment,存储设备;储藏设备


真题例句...as around 75% of the local harvest goes to waste thanks to a lack of proper storage facilities...第一套CET62017.12阅读理解

真题例句...But Sadoway isn't alone in trumpeting energy storage as a missing link to a cleaner...第三套CET62016.12阅读理解

真题例句...People always want more storage space-but that's true of every New Yorker...第三套CET62014.6阅读理解

真题例句...short of storage base...第一套CET62014.6听力题

真题例句...There would be a storage area in the basement be used by the research center as well as by other departments...第一套CET62014.6听力题

真题例句...both on the farm and in the storage and processing facilities...第三套CET62013.12阅读理解

真题例句...Governments of rapidly developing countries incorporate waste minimisation thinking into the transport infrastructure and storage facilities currently being planned...第三套CET62013.12阅读理解

真题例句...storage and processing facilities ensure that a larger proportion of the food produced reaches markets and consumers...第三套CET62013.12阅读理解

真题例句...We see the potential for capture and storage to play an integral role in reducing emissions...CET62012.6阅读理解

真题例句...Some propose storing the CO2 in coal mines or liquid storage in the ocean...CET62012.6阅读理解

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更新时间:2025-01-18 09:23:39
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