These documents have no legal status in Britain..这些文件在英国并无法律效力。
What is your marital status (= are you married or not ) ?.你的婚姻状况是什么?
stat(看作state, 声明) + us(我们) → 声明我们是谁 → 身份记忆
The clothes a person wears may express his _______ or social position.句意: 一个人的衣着可以显示出他的身份或社会地位。curiosity: 好奇心, 求知欲; determination: 决定, 决心; significance: 意义, 重要性。214significance
status quon. 现状
current status当前状态;目前状况
present status现状
social status社会地位
legal status法律地位
health status健康状态,健康状况
production status生产情况
status in quon. 现状
marital status婚姻状况
status bar状态栏
economic status经济地位;经济状态
running status运行情况,运行状态
nutritional status营养状况
financial status财务状况;财政情形
status of development发展现状;发展状况
status information状态信息
system status系统状态,系统状况
operating status经营状况;操作状态
delivery status投送状态
political status政治地位
真题例句...but I’m not quite sure about the status of those industries now...第一套CET42016.12听力题
真题例句...qualify for disability status under the DDA...第三套CET42012.12阅读理解
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