轴 纺锤 锭子 细长的人或物英释中释
Long believed to exist only in the brains of humans and other great apes, in 2006 spindle cells were discovered in the same brain areas in humpback whales, fin whales, killer whales, and sperm whales..长久以来梭形细胞被认为只存在于人类和其他类人猿的大脑中,直到2006梭形细胞也在座头鲸、长须鲸、虎鲸和抹香鲸大脑的同样区域上被发现。
spindle speed,锭速;主轴转速;轴转速
main spindle,主轴
spindle motor,主轴电机;主轴马达
spindle bearing,转轴轴承;锭轴承
wheel spindle,砂轮主轴;轮轴;磨轮轴
muscle spindle,n. 肌梭;肌纺锤
spindle cell,梭形细胞;纺锤细胞;纺锤形细胞
spindle drive,主轴驱动
spindle head,[机]主轴头;心轴头
vertical spindle,竖式轴,立式摘锭
spindle nose,轴头主轴端;心轴鼻端