1 Seaborne financial investors could be in for a bout of seasickness..海运业务的金融投资者可能会有些晕船。
2 After the second day, recovered from seasickness, the full passenger list was in evidence, and the more he saw of the passengers the more he disliked them..过了第二天,晕船的都恢复过来,全船旅客都—一露了面。 他越和旅客们来往就越不喜欢他们。
3 I focused on the horizon through my porthole or sought solace in Darwin’s Beagle journal:he suffered terribly from seasickness, and he was at sea for nearly five years..我把注意力集中在舷窗外的海平线上,或者从想象达尔文的比格尔海峡之旅中寻求一点安慰:达尔文因晕船痛苦不堪,但是他坚持在海上呆了五年。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:03:33