抵御 抵抗 抵抗力
Rebel gunmen have put up strong resistance..持枪的叛乱分子负隅顽抗。
disease resistance.抗病能力
corrosion resistance耐蚀性;抗腐蚀性
wear resistance[机]耐磨性,耐磨度
heat resistance[物]耐热性
abrasion resistance耐磨性;抗磨损性
water resistance抗水性;水阻力
insulin resistance抗胰岛素性;胰岛素耐受性
temperature resistance耐温性;耐热性
drug resistance抗药性
high resistance高电阻,高阻抗
thermal resistance热阻;热变电阻,热敏电阻
disease resistance抗病性
impact resistance抗冲击性;冲击阻力
shock resistance耐冲击性;耐震强度;耐冲辉;冲昏力
oxidation resistance抗氧化性能
flow resistance流阻;抗流变
fire resistance抗火性,耐火性(能);抗燃烧性
electric resistance电阻
drought resistance耐旱性,抗旱性
low resistance低阻力,低电阻
electrical resistance电阻;抗电阻性
真题例句...conquering her inner resistance to change and making a firm commitment to take bigger steps...第二套CET42017.6阅读理解