


认出 识别英释


He stared at her, but there was no sign of recognition ..他盯着她看,但似乎没认出她来。


pattern recognition,模式识别

recognition system,[计]识别系统

speech recognition,语音辨识

recognition method,再认法;确认法

character recognition,[计]字符识别

in recognition of,承认…而;为酬谢

molecular recognition,分子识别;分子认识

mutual recognition,相互承认;相互认可

voice recognition,语音识别;声音识别

brand recognition,品牌认知;品牌识别

international recognition,国际认可

optical character recognition,光学字符辨识

public recognition,公众认识阶段;公共认可,公众接受度

facial recognition,面部识别;面孔识别

beyond recognition,面目全非;识别不出

gesture recognition,手势识别

handwriting recognition,手写识别

diplomatic recognition,外交承认

revenue recognition,收入确认

cell recognition,细胞识别


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