(猜字的)画谜英释中释na puzzle consisting of pictures representing syllables and words; in such a puzzle the word hear might be represented by H followed by a picture of an ear
1 It can be likened to a rebus, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i <3 u" means “I love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. )..这种短信文是由图片、字母或数字的组合来代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜一样。 比如:"i <3 u"就代表“我爱你”(中间的<3像是一颗心的形状,代表“爱”),b4就是before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,而lol则是laugh out loud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。
2 Most people know a sort of puzzle called rebus..大多数人都知道有一种称为画谜的猜谜。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:53:16