


论证 推断英释


They reasoned that other businesses would soon copy the idea..他们推断其他企业也会很快仿效这个点子。


reason for,原因,理由

main reason,主要原因

for this reason,为此;由于这个原因

no reason,没有理由

by reason of,由于;因为

good reason,好理由

with reason,合理;有道理

for some reason,由于某种原因;由于某个理由

for the reason,由于;因为

for no reason,无缘无故;无端;没有理由的

have reason,有道理,有理性

reason with,规劝;与…评理

in reason,adv. 合理;明智

without reason,无理由;不合理

for the same reason,为了同样的理由

for reason,因为…理由

within reason,理智的,合理的;合情合理

one reason or another,因为…某种原因

practical reason,实践理性;实际理由

by reason that,adv. 因为


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更新时间:2025-01-18 10:25:02
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