1 And though I could read a newspaper when I was four, scores were only pretty black squiggles..我在四岁时就能看报纸,但乐谱对我来说,只是一片黑不溜秋的花体字。
2 Acuteness of sight is difficult to define but if we were endowed with the eyesight of a kestrel it is estimated that we could read a newspaper at a range of 25 yards..食肉鸟视力的敏锐度是很维定义的,但是我们可以这样给鹰的视力加以说明,如果我们具有鹰的视力,那么我们可以在25码的距离之外可以看报纸。
3 “I couldn't even read a newspaper because the letters on the page looked like alphabet soup, ” she recalled during a recent interview in her home in Arlington, Va..在最近的一次在她的家乡(弗吉尼亚州阿林顿)对她的采访中她说:“那段时间,我几乎连报纸都不能读,因为那些报纸上的字母看起来就像字母汤。”
更新时间:2025-03-07 07:40:12