1 rationalization proposal,合理化建议
1 One, for example, is we have a remarkable capacity for rationalization..例如,其一,每个人都具有非凡的合理化能力。
2 There is rationalization, which is that when you do something or think something bad you rationalize it and you give it a more socially acceptable explanation..还有合理化,是指当你做坏事或有不良想法时,你会将行为合理化,为行为寻找一个更为社会接受的解释。
3 Despite these challenges, it would be a dangerous strategy for any of the many threatened players in these markets to hang on to this “quality” rationalization for very long..尽管有这些挑战,对市场上任何一个受到威胁的玩家来说纠缠于自认为合理化的质量问题过久都是险招。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:53:16