铁轨;扶手;横杆;围栏英释nnone of the two long metal tracks fastened to the ground that trains move along
抱怨;责骂英释vvto complain angrily about something, especially something that you think is very unfair
1 rail transit,城市轨道交通;铁路直达运输
2 by rail,由铁路,乘火车
3 light rail,轻轨;轻轨电车
4 rail transport,铁路运输
5 on the rails,正常进行;在正常轨道上
6 guide rail,导轨;导杆
7 off the rails,出轨的;混乱的,神经错乱的
8 heavy rail,n. 重轨;重钢轨
9 steel rail,钢轨
10 on rail,铁路交货
11 slide rail,滑道,滑轨
12 rail steel,轨钢,钢轨钢
13 rail link,铁路联络线,轨节
14 go off the rails,◎行为越轨;(在实际问题上或道路上)走上错误的道路
15 rail track,轨道;铁路线路
16 rail surface,轨面
17 guard rail,防护轨
18 rail service,铁路运输
19 rail car,n. 机动轨道车;单节机动有轨车
20 side rail,纵梁,床侧板;护栏,舷梯扶手
1 Several passengers were leaning against the ship’s rail..几名乘客斜靠在轮船的栏杆上。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:01:58