


合乎体统的 正派的英释


It is right and proper that parents take responsibility for their children's attendance at school..父母负责督促子女上学上课,这是天经地义的事。

He is always perfectly proper in his behaviour..他的行为举止向来是无可挑剔的。


proper time,适当的时候;[物理]原时;本征时间

city proper,城市市区部分

proper for,适合

proper motion,自行;天体之固有运动

proper operation,正确操作

at a proper time,在适当的时候

in the proper way,用适当方法

proper name,专有名称(等于proper noun)

proper handling,适当操作

proper function,本征函数;本寨数,特寨数

proper functioning,正常运行;正常工作

proper value,本征值;固有值;特征值

proper scale,规定比例尺;适合标度

proper alignment,同轴度;同心性

proper law,准据法

proper pride,自尊心

proper rate,正常速率

proper noun,[语]专有名词

proper quantities,[化]摩尔量;适当数量


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更新时间:2025-01-18 09:11:32
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