


过程 进程 工序 工艺流程


the Israeli-Egyptian peace process.以-埃和平进程

Recycling is an industrial process..回收利用是一个工业流程。

All university applications are processed through this system..所有大学入学申请都是由这个系统处理的。


pro(向前) + cess(行走) → 向前走 → 过程记忆


process of…的过程

in the process of在…的过程中

in the process在过程中;在进行中

in process过程中的;在进行中

production process生产流程

development process发展进程,显色法;开发流程,开发程序

technological process工艺流程

process control过程控制;程序控制

manufacturing process制造过程;制造工艺;生产过程

design process设计过程,设计程序;设计加工

forming process成形工序,成形过程;成形法

new process新工艺

process flow工序流程

working process工作过程;制作过程

business process业务流程;业务处理

in process of正在;在…过程中

developing process发展过程;展开法

welding process焊接过程;熔接法

process technology加工工艺学

process conditions工艺条件;生产过程条件


真题例句...This process improves access to relevant information...第二套CET42017.6阅读理解

真题例句...you probably go through that process after a big event like your wedding day...CET42017.6阅读理解

真题例句...Curious if the left hemispheres were indeed remaining awake to process information detected in the surrounding environment...CET42017.12阅读理解

真题例句...And involving the future resident in the process can be very important...第一套CET42016.6阅读理解

真题例句...It's pointless unless there is a repeatable process in place to turn inspiration into financial performance...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...involving their parents in the decision-making process may prove very important...第一套CET42016.6阅读理解

真题例句...Genuine criticism creates a precious opening for an author to become better on his own terms--a process that is often extremely painful...第三套CET42015.12阅读理解

真题例句...new problems have emerged in the process of resolving old ones...第一套CET42014.12阅读理解

真题例句...Male economists point the opposite way: 80% say women are favored or the process is neutral...第三套CET42013.12阅读理解

真题例句...but lately this process has gone into reverse...第一套CET42012.12阅读理解

真题例句...In the process he brought about great changes in computing...第一套CET42012.12阅读理解

真题例句...the process throws you together randomly...CET42011.6阅读理解

真题例句...but what we ignore is a long process of struggling forward and wrestling with internal or external obstacles...CET42011.12写作题

真题例句...making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure...CET42011.12阅读理解

真题例句...A natural environment can reduce violent behaviour because its restorative process helps reduce anger and impulsive behaviour...CET42010.12阅读理解

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更新时间:2025-01-18 09:11:46
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