[动]海豚, 小鲸英释中释na sea animal that looks similar to a dolphin and breathes air
1 finless porpoise,江豚,江猪
1 The rays are often seen gathering in groups near the surface, “flying” through the water by flapping their pectoral fins and sometimes even leaping porpoise-like into the air..魟鱼经常会成群的聚集在水面以下,通过拍动胸鳍在水中“飞行”,有时候甚至会像海豚一样跃出海面。
2 The Baiji Conservation Aquarium has already scored small successes with a similar breeding scheme aimed at averting the extinction of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise..为防止这种无鳍海豚的灭绝,白鳍豚保护水族馆采用相同的培育方法已经取得了一些成就。
3 Still, she cautions that it's possible that the Dall's porpoise hunt in Japan may harm subpopulations of that animal, which numbers more than a million worldwide..然而,他警告在日本的捕猎可能危害白腰鼠海豚的亚种的安全,尽管白腰鼠海豚全种在地球上有一百多万只。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:08:13