1 The brightly polished granite surface depicts the poncho wearing riflemen as they climbed up a Korean hill..明亮的抛光花岗岩表面描绘了穿着雨披的步兵爬上了一座韩国的小山。
2 She had a brown spring jacket and brown cargo pants. Her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and she wore a lavender poncho underneath..茜尔维穿的是棕色春季夹克和棕色大口袋裤子,而她的棕色头发则被编成了个马尾辫,还穿着薰衣草色的雨披。
3 Sign up for the Cave of the Winds tour, which begins after you change into a complimentary yellow poncho and sandals (trust us, you'll need 'em)..报名参加风之洞之旅吧,你将会获赠一个黄色雨披和一双凉拖(相信我,你会用得到)。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:05:57