
play the piano




We learned to play the piano by playing and drive a car by driving..我们以弹来学习弹钢琴,以驾驶来学习驾驶汽车。

Organizers of "Britain's Most Talented Pet" say they have found a dog that can mow the lawn and play the piano, the Daily Telegraph reported..据英国《每日电讯报》近日报道,"英国最有才华宠物"节目的组织者说,他们发现了一只既会除草又会弹钢琴的宠物狗。

So, despite not really knowing how to play the piano and not knowing how to read or write music, Cicoria got himself a piano and promptly began to play everything he heard in his head..于是,尽管实际上不知道该如何弹钢琴,也不知道如何读写乐谱,西科里拉还是给自己买了一台钢琴,并且立即开始弹奏脑子里听到的一切。

play the piano
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更新时间:2025-01-18 10:20:43
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