矿井;深坑;陷阱;(物体或人体表面上的)凹陷;(英国剧场的)正厅后排;正厅后排的观众英释nna coal mine
使竞争;窖藏;使凹下;去…之核;使留疤痕英释vvto put small marks or holes in the surface of something
1 foundation pit,基坑
2 open pit,adj. 露天采矿的
3 open pit mine,露天矿
4 pit of the stomach,心窝,胸口
5 bottomless pit,无底洞
6 pit stop,加油停车;旅行休息站
7 soaking pit,均热炉;浸池;等温坑
8 coal pit,煤窑,煤矿
9 sand pit,砂坑;采沙坑
10 fire pit,火山坑;熔岩穴
11 pit bull,比特犬;斗牛㹴狗;斗牛㹴狗式卫士
12 pit viper,响尾蛇;蝮蛇
13 corrosion pit,腐蚀斑点,腐蚀坑
1 Dad first went down the pit (= worked in a coal mine ) when he was 15 years old..爸爸第一次下煤矿井时才15岁。
2 a national strike against pit closures.抗议关闭煤矿井的全国性罢工
更新时间:2025-03-25 06:51:54