枕头套(等于pillow slip)英释中释na cloth cover for a pillow
1 A: Fold up your bedding, and change the pillowcase..整理好你的床铺,同时换一下枕套。
2 For an extra-calming treat, take a nap on a pillow scented with lavender—either in fabric spray form, or crumble some of the plant itself and put it in your pillowcase..想要更加平静的话,在洒有薰衣草的枕头或者喷有香薰的织物再或者是填充了薰衣草碎屑的枕套上小憩一会。
3 So this Halloween, after kids make the rounds, blame the excitement surrounding the holiday for your child’s jumpy behavior -- not the pillowcase protruding with candy..所以这个万圣节,如果孩子们要完糖都兴奋过头,要怪就去怪节日的燃点吧,别误会了枕套里溢出来的糖果。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:19:05