pens(挂, 引申为钱) + ion → 养老金记忆
The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state _______ . live on pension: 靠养老金生活。 句意: 在俄罗斯, 老年人认为单靠养老金生活太艰难了。earning: 收入; salary: 薪水; donation: 捐款, 捐赠物。114donations
1 pension fund养老基金;退休基金
2 pension insurance养老保险
3 pension plan公积金计划;退休金办法;养老计划
4 old-age pension养老金;退休金
5 pension scheme退休金计划
6 retirement pension退休金,养老金
7 old age pension养老金;退休金
8 supplementary pension企业年金;辅助退休金
1 真题例句...combined with the replacement of generous defined-benefit pension plans with less generous defined-contribution ones...第一套CET42015.6阅读理解
1 At what age can you start drawing your pension ?.从多少岁可以开始领取养老金?
2 If you are self-employed, you should think about taking out a private pension ..如果你是自由职业者,应该考虑办理私人养老金事宜。
3 Many people find it hard to live on a basic state pension ..许多人发现仅凭国家基本养老金不能养活自己。
4 She pays a quarter of her salary into a pension plan..她将每月工资的四分之一用于养老金计划。
更新时间:2025-03-07 02:31:24