1 The young man was of medium height for his age..这个年轻人在同龄人中属中等身高。
2 He was of medium height; his face wasscarred by smallpox; he waddled when he walked; and he continually sucked onhis pipe..他中等身材,脸上有天花留下的疤痕,走起路有点儿摇晃。 他那只烟斗几乎从不离口。
3 They describe Kim Jong-un as a man in his mid-20s, of medium height, overweight and prone to high blood pressure and suffering from diabetes, and with character traits similar to his father’s..他们描述了金正云20几岁时的样子,中等身材,肥胖可能伴随高血压和遭受糖尿病的折磨,性格特征和他父亲类似。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:18:30