水仙英释中释na yellow or white spring flower, such as the daffodil
1 One day, when Posefen played with her friends in the valley, she found a silver narcissus flower..有一天,泊瑟芬和同伴们在山谷中的草地上摘花,她惊奇的发现一朵银色的水仙,美的光彩照人。
2 At the moment she picked it, the narcissus became a handson man with purple eyes and dressed in black..就在她摘下它的一瞬间,水仙化作一团紫色的烟雾,一股淡淡的阴间的香气弥漫开来。
3 His lips, also, were like the petals of a red flower, and his eyes were like violets by a river of pure water, and his body like the narcissus of a field where the mower comes not..他的嘴唇像两片红色的花瓣,他的眼睛则像生长在清澈河水边的紫罗兰,他整个人看起来就像平整草地上的一株水仙花一样一枝独秀。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:17:56