Note that different users of the system have different goals, and that these goals are often mutually exclusive..请注意系统的不同用户有不同的目标,而且这些目标经常是相互排斥的。
In this hectic and often confusing world in which we live, one of the most priceless treasures I possess is a happy and mutually sustaining marriage..在我们生活的这个纷繁复杂的世界里,我拥有的一个最有价值的珍宝就是我们这段幸福而相互扶持的婚姻。
Without honesty, your best efforts to resolve conflicts will be wasted because you will not understand each other well enough to find mutually acceptable solutions..没有诚实,就不能很充分很好地了解彼此以找到互相都能接受的解决方法也解决冲突的最大努力也将白费。
mutually beneficial互利的;双赢的
mutually exclusive互相排斥的
mutually independent互相独立的