壁画;(美)壁饰英释中释na painting that is painted on a wall, either inside or outside a building
1 mural painting,壁画
1 Pour a little glue into some shallow containers, dip cotton balls in the glue and then stick onto the paper - you have a snow mural!.在一个浅的容器里倒一点胶水,用棉球沾点胶水然后粘到纸上——你就有了幅雪景壁饰!
2 This work is clearly connected with The Last Supper: the Christ has the same ethereal and elusive quality as the faded figure at the centre of Leonardo's sublime mural..这幅画显然和《最后的晚餐》有某种关联:画中的基督,和达·芬奇最伟大的壁画中心那已褪色的基督形象一样,同样空灵缥缈。
更新时间:2025-03-09 07:43:33