混合;使咬字不清晰;使微醉英释中释vto confuse one person or thing with another, and make a mistake
糊涂;困惑;混浊状态英释中释nwhen there is confusion about something, and things are done wrong as a result
1 muddle through,终于应付过去;混过去
2 muddle along,得过且过,混日子
1 The twins are so alike that it’s easy to muddle them up..这对双胞胎看上去太像了,很容易弄混。
2 Spanish and Italian are very similar and I sometimes get them muddled up ..西班牙语和意大利语很相似,我有时会把它们弄混。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:09:43