口 嘴 河口英释
He lifted his glass to his mouth..他把玻璃杯举到嘴边。
Liam was fast asleep with his mouth wide open..利亚姆大张着嘴,睡得很熟。
mouth on someone,[美国俚语]告发某人
river mouth,河口
from mouth to mouth,广泛流传
big mouth,多嘴者
from hand to mouth,adv. 仅能糊口地
mouth to mouth,adj. 口对口的
mouth water,口水;垂涎
mouth off,粗暴地讲话;顶嘴;粗鲁地说
in the mouth of,adv. 出于…之口;据说
foot and mouth disease,[病]口蹄疫
open one's mouth,开口,说话
mouth open,张着嘴
hand to mouth,现挣现吃地;仅够糊口地
with open mouth,张口结舌地
have a big mouth,大声说话;说话冒失
bad mouth,不听从使唤
mouth cavity,口腔
down in the mouth,垂头丧气;沮丧的
run at the mouth,流口水
bell mouth,喇叭口;锥形孔