


生活 生存 寿命英释中释


Learning goes on throughout life..学习是一生的事。

You have your whole life ahead of you..你前面还有漫长的人生呢。

I’ve known John all my life (= since I was born )..我从小就认识约翰了。

His main aim in life was to have fun..他人生的主要目标就是享乐。

It was one of the best days of my life..那是我一生中最快乐的时光之一。

The accident scarred him for life (= for the rest of his life )..这场事故给他留下了终生的创伤。

She knew she’d feel guilty for the rest of her life..她知道自己将内疚终生。

Raj spent his life caring for others..拉杰一辈子都在关爱他人。

Bonington spent his entire adult life in France..博宁顿成年后就一直在法国生活。

We don’t know much about the poet’s early life (= when he was young )..我们对这位诗人的早年生活所知甚少。

Poor diet can lead to a whole range of diseases in later life (= when you are older )..饮食不良会在晚年引发各种疾病。

She married late in life (= when she was fairly old )..她结婚晚。

He’s a life member (= continuing until he dies ) of the club..他是俱乐部的终身会员。


in life,一生中

service life,使用寿命;使用期限;耐用年限

daily life,日常生活

quality of life,生活质量;基本生活条件

real life,现实生活(的);实际生活(的)

for life,终身;为了保命

whole life,一生;终身保险;终身寿险

life cycle,寿命周期;生存期

human life,人类生活;人的生命

social life,社交生活,社会生活

walks of life,各界,各行各业

new life,新生活;新生命

long life,长寿命;使用期限长的

happy life,幸福生活;快乐的人生

all walks of life,各行各业;各界人士

way of life,生活方式;行为准则

life style,生活方式,生活习惯;格调

better life,更美好旳玍活

life and death,生与死,死活

fatigue life,疲劳寿命

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