1 This may be partly for fear of making a near-reality of private landownership, which would undermine one of the last vestiges of the party’s communist heritage..这要部分归结于中共害怕在实际上造成土地私有制之嫌,因为这样会摧毁其共产主义的最后一道防线。
2 In tiptoeing gingerly around one of the last Maoist shibboleths-collective landownership-the party may yet be sowing the seeds of the rural transformation it promises..土地集体所有制毛派最后的几个堡垒之一,中共小心翼翼地触到了它,中共兴许能在其承诺的农村转型中有所建树。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:54:08