in + tense(紧张的) → 紧张的记忆
The music aroused an _______ feeling of homesickness in him. an intense feeling of... : 一种强烈的…的感觉。 句意: 音乐激起他强烈的思乡之情。 intentional: 有意的, 故意的; intermittent: 间歇的, 断断续续的; intrinsic: 内在的, 本质的。314intrinsic
1 intense competition激烈的竞争
2 intense emotion激情
3 intense pain剧烈疼痛;剧痛
4 intense cold酷寒;严寒
1 真题例句...Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun...第一套CET42015.6阅读理解
2 真题例句...intense involvement in students’ complicated lives...第三套CET42012.12阅读理解
1 Young people today are under intense pressure to succeed..如今的年轻人面临要出人头地的巨大压力。
2 the intense heat of the desert.沙漠的炽热
3 The pain was so intense I couldn’t sleep..疼得我都睡不着觉。
4 He took an intense interest in all religious matters..他对所有宗教事宜都很感兴趣。
5 a look of intense dislike.极端厌恶的表情
更新时间:2025-03-04 01:32:25