Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day..你每天酒精摄入量不能超过两个单位。
water intake进水口,取水口;水摄入(量)
food intake食物摄取,进食
air intake进气口;吸气;吸气管
intake manifold进气歧管
feed intake采食量;投料
intake system进气系统;吸入系统
calorie intake卡路里摄入量;热量摄取
intake air进风流;进入的空气
intake valve进气门;进气阀
intake port进气道;进气口;进汽门孔
intake pipe进气管;进水道
caloric intake热量摄取
intake flow吸入液流,吸入流动;进入流道
intake capacity容纳量;吸入能力
intake charge进气;充气
intake pressure进气压力;吸入压力
intake tower进水塔;取水塔
真题例句...The conclusion: by cutting salt intake nationwide...第三套CET42013.6阅读理解
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真题例句...This shows that the relation_ship between hunger and food intake is more complex than we thought...第一套CET42013.12阅读理解