


改革 创新


We must encourage innovation if the company is to remain competitive..公司要想保持竞争力,就必须鼓励革新。

Many people feel bewildered by the speed of technological innovation..很多人对技术革新的速度感到不知所措。


technological innovation技术革新;工艺革新

innovation ability创新能力

continuous innovation连续创新

financial innovation金融创新

institutional innovation制度创新,体制创新

innovation theory创新理论

innovation management创新管理

disruptive innovation破坏性创新


真题例句...why is this a problem because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship...第二套CET42017.12阅读理解

真题例句...Sometimes its employees are released from their daily jobs for weeks and spend their time interacting in the innovation facility instead...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...But not many are able to integrate innovation into their business...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...saying a real innovative company should develop an innovation culture and use it as a primary tool for success...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...The article says many people tend to assume that innovation just means creating something new...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...A commentary in the Shanghai Daily points out that innovation doesn't mean piles of documents...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...It also has a special innovation facility for its employees...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...Almost all companies recognize the importance of innovation today...第一套CET42016.6听力题

真题例句...but innovation experts say the pattern of exploration is not unusual...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...an innovation consultant to corporations and governments...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...Apple's fortunes suffered from an innovation discount during Jobs' absence...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...yielding a 52percent innovation premium since then...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...The culture of other countries doesn't support the kind of innovation that Steve Jobs exemplifies...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...exemplifies what works in the innovation game...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...We can look at and learn from Steve Jobs what the essence of American innovation is...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...Studies of innovation come to the same conclusion: you can't engineer innovation...第三套CET42015.6阅读理解

真题例句...America is better at innovation than most other rich nations...第三套CET42013.12阅读理解

真题例句...innovation is too slow...第二套CET42012.12阅读理解

真题例句...innovation used to spill over from military and corporate laboratories to the consumer market...第一套CET42012.12阅读理解

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