腐殖质;腐植土英释中释nHumus is the part of soil which consists of dead plants that have begun to decay
1 Particles of different kinds - including microscopic algae, other plankton and humus from surrounding land areas - are continuously deposited on lake bottoms..不同类型的颗粒 - 包括显微藻类,其他浮游生物和周边陆地地区的腐殖质 - 不断沉积在湖底。
2 Wind and spring floods erode soils, exposing underlying layers and premiering new compositions of humus and minerals on the surface..风沙和水灾侵蚀着土壤,暴露出地下土层,腐殖质新成分及其表面的矿物。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:48:40