1 Our Galapagos tortoise are responsive to bright coloured, edible flowers and fruit, such as roses, hibiscus, grapes and watermelon..加拉巴哥象龟对于颜色鲜艳的可食花草和水果情有独钟,例如玫瑰花,芙蓉,葡萄,西瓜等。
2 Taurus mom's soft and sentimental nature can be bowled over by gifting her with a bouquet of tropical hibiscus- she will just love them. Their soft, billowy petals appeal to her tangible nature..金牛妈妈温柔恬静、多愁善感;一捧热带的芙蓉花一定会让她开心不已,要是再配上色彩明亮的包装纸,那就更好了。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:48:12