大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷英释中释na type of plant that is used to make rope and sometimes to produce the drug cannabis
1 hemp fiber,大麻纤维;麻刀
2 sisal hemp,剑麻;西沙尔麻
3 hemp rope,麻绳
1 Unfortunately, the US does not discriminate between hemp and marijuana, so growing it for food and fiber in this country is illegal..不幸的是,美国不区分毒品大麻和能量大麻,因此在该国把它添加它到粮食和用作提取纤维是非法的。
2 But there are also a lot of other fibers that we can use like hemp silks, a very green fabric that gives back nitrogen to the soil," she said..但其实还有很多其他的纤维,例如我们可以使用类似大麻纤维丝,这是一种很绿色织物,它可以将氮元素返还到土壤中“她说。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:52:14