沉重的 繁重的 巨大的 拥挤的 阴沉的英释
The wardrobe was too heavy for me to move on my own..衣橱太重,我一个人移不动。
a heavy suitcase.沉重的手提箱
The males are seven times heavier than the females..雄性的重量是雌性的七倍。
How heavy is the parcel (= how much does it weigh? ) ?.这个包裹有多重?
heavy metal,重金属摇滚乐
heavy oil,重油(将焦油蒸馏得到的比重大于水)
heavy rain,暴雨
heavy duty,重型;重载;重税
heavy industry,重工业
heavy load,重负载
heavy burden,重负;重炉料
on the heavy,[美国俚语]从事犯罪活动
heavy traffic,车水马龙;拥挤的交通
heavy snow,大雪
heavy machinery,重型机械
heavy plate,厚板;厚钢板
heavy truck,重型卡车
heavy work,重作业
heavy blow,强力的打击
heavy pressure,高压
heavy crude,重质原油
heavy loss,重大损失;严重的亏损
heavy rail,n. 重轨;重钢轨
heavy water,[化]重水