正面看台;观众;哗众取宠的表演英释中释na large structure that has many rows of seats where people sit and watch sports competitions, games, or races
1 The grandstand was filled with men in seersucker suits, braces and pocket squares..看台上的男士都身着泡泡纱西服,配着背带和西服袋巾。
2 Kim Fonda said she also saw the plane disrespect toward where she was seated in the grandstand..肯.芬达说在她坐的看台上,她也看到飞机向她横冲直撞过来
3 He held a presidential review of the troops from a flag-draped grandstand built in front of the White House..他在白宫前面的看台上检阅了部队。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:13:22