a great deal abnormal abortion absolute absolutely abstract abuse accustom accustomed accustomed to actual addicted addicted to adolescence adolescent adopt advocate aggressive AIDS aim alcohol alcoholic allergic alongside and so on anxiety anxious appeal appeal to appendix appliance appoint appreciation appropriate Armstrong arouse ash ashamed at risk attempt automatic automatically avenue average await awkward bad-tempered balcony ban bare bathe be made up of be opposed to billy-goat blank boot branch brass breathless bride bridegroom brimful bronze bunch bungalow burn to the ground by coincidence byproduct café can candidate canvas carve casual catastrophe Celsius cement championship Charles Keeling chemist chewing gum cigar cigarette cinquain circular circumstance civilization clay coffin coincidence come about commitment committee compass comprehension concrete condom consequence consequently consume contemporary contradictory contribution controversial conventional convey cottage crane crater critic darkness data database decide on delicate desperate diagram diamond diploma disagreement disappointed disco display district diverse diversity document dread droop drought due due to economical educator effect effectively Egypt Egyptian electrical embarrassed emotion endless environmental environmentalist equipment erupt eruption etc evaluate even if eventually evident exchange exhibition existence Fahrenheit faith faithfully famine feel like feel like doing female figure fitness flesh flexible flood fluid fog forever fossil Foster fountain fragile fragrant fuel gallery geology geometry George Hambley get into Giotto di Bondone glance glance through go up graph greenhouse growth guarantee Guggenheim Museum gum haiku heading hectare helmet HIV homosexual humanistic hurricane hush illegal immune imperative impressionism impressionist in particular in spite of in the flesh individual inject injection Janice judgement keep on kitten landscape lava Leonardo da Vinci leopard let out librarian load lung Madison make one’s way male Manchu Manhattan marble Masaccio masterpiece Matisse measurement melt mental mentally methane metropolitan Michelangelo microwave mild minimum mockingbird molten Mona Lisa Monet motor Mount Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Vesuvius needle nicotine novelist nuclear nursery nursery rhyme obesity observatory on behalf of on the other hand on the whole oppose opposed outer packet panic pattern peak per permanent perspective persuasion phenomenon pianist Picasso pill poetry pollution Pompeii possess possession post-impressionist potential precious predict preference pregnant prejudice presentation put up with quantities of quantity questionnaire quit rainbow random range realistic refresh relaxation renaissance renewable repetition reputation resolve result in revolve rhyme rhythmic ridiculous robbery run out of salty sample SARS scholar scholarship sculptor sculpture section sex sexual shadow shoot shot Sicily signature slippery slogan so long as Sophie sorrow spaceman sparrow specific spectacular spill sponsor squire state steadily steady stem strengthen stress stressful subscribe subscribe to suit superb survival sweat syllable take a risk take it easy take risks tease technique tend tendency the Renaissance threat thunderstorm tick tornado tough transform translation tremble trend try out tsunami typhoon typical uncomfortable unconscious unfit utter vary from…to… violinist visual volcanic volcano volcanologist volcanology warmth wave weaken Whitney widespread withdrawal