1 Perhaps on the other side of eternity, when I see God face to face..到那时可能我已经在天堂了,也已经面对面地见到了上帝。
2 Surprisingly the study, by Cambridge University, found children as well as adults preferred to communicate face to face..令人惊讶的是,剑桥大学的这一调查发现成人和孩子都更喜欢面对面交流。
3 “Hispanic and Asian customers prefer to do business face to face, so we give that outlet at our stores and then provide the in-language experience as well,” Correa said..科雷亚说:"拉丁裔和亚裔顾客喜欢面对面地做生意,因此我们在专卖店中提供这种服务,同时让顾客享受自己语言的服务。"
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:48:16