绰号, 称号中释n
1 transferred epithet,转移修饰语;转类形容词
1 But it is impossible to predict the reaction of a man accosted by another with the words "you rat" without referring to the meaning that the man spoken to attaches to the epithet..但是,当你不带意识地,说出别人的绰号“老鼠”的时候,你还是无法预测这个人会有怎样的反应。
2 My teen years were marked by the common epithet “Camel Jockey” and the hit AM radio song “Ahab the A-rab.”.“骆驼骑师” (Camel Jockey)和调幅电台的热门歌曲“Ahab the A-rab”是我青少年时代人们通用的绰号。
3 For her part, though, Ono found the epithet less than distressing..不过,对于她来说,小野发现这一绰号决不她痛心。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:53:16