Located near the base of the neck, the thyroid is a large endocrine gland that produces hormones that help control growth and metabolism..甲状腺位于颈部的底部附近,是一个很大的内分泌腺体,它产生激素,协助控制生长和新陈代谢。
Located near the base of the neck, the thyroid is a large endocrine gland that produces hormones that help control growth and metabolism..甲状腺位于脖子底部附近,它是一个较大的内分泌腺体,产生的荷尔蒙控制生长和新陈代谢。
Some of the chemicals that are all around us have the ability to interfere with our endocrine systems, which regulate the hormones that control our weight, our biorhythms and our reproduction..我们周围的某些化学物质会影响人体的内分泌系统——其作用是通过调节激素分泌从而控制体重、生理周期以及生殖能力。
endocrine system,[生]内分泌系统
endocrine gland,n. [生]内分泌腺
endocrine disease,内分泌疾病
endocrine organ,内分泌器官