1 They were still driving away at the encyclopaedia..他们仍在孜孜不倦地编写那部百科全书。
2 I might do an eighth book for charity, a kind of encyclopaedia of the world so that I could use all the extra material that's not in the books ... we'll see!.我可能出于慈善的目的写第八本书,大概是有关这个世界的百科全书,这样我可以使用书中没能出现的所有额外材料······敬请期待!
3 An encyclopaedia's-worth of knowledge feels trivialised when it can be generated with just a few strokes on the keyboard, just as the live chatter of the world becomes so much waste paper..当仅靠敲打几下键盘就能创作出那样的作品时,一种百科全书式的学问感瞬间变得微不足道,正如同那对这个世界鲜活的唠叨变成这里的一堆废纸那样。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:56:56