延长英释中释nthe act of elongating or state of being elongated; lengthening
1 elongation at break,断裂伸长;断裂延伸率;破坏时伸长量
2 breaking elongation,断裂伸长
3 percentage elongation,伸长率;延伸率
4 elongation percentage,延伸率;伸长率
5 elongation stage,拔节期;伸长期
6 tensile elongation,拉伸,拉伸伸长;延伸率,抗张伸展率
7 specific elongation,延伸率;伸长率;相对伸长
8 ultimate elongation,破裂伸长;极限伸长
1 You must be auxin, cause you are causing me to have rapid stem elongation..你一定是生长素,因为你让我的茎迅速的延长。
2 Myopia (nearsightedness) is an abnormal elongation of the eye, causing distant objects to appear blurred..近视是视力不正常的伸长,使远距离的物体模糊不清。
3 If little close work is done, this elongation process normally stops with only a slight amount of farsightedness left..如果轻度的近距离工作,只要轻度的远视调节,这个伸长过程就可以正常停止。
更新时间:2025-03-07 07:25:09