


药 毒品 麻醉药 滞销货英释


药;毒品;麻醉药;滞销货英释nnan illegal substance such as marijuana or cocaine , which some people take in order to feel happy, relaxed, or excited

使服麻醉药;使服毒品;掺麻醉药于英释vvto give a person or animal a drug, especially in order to make them feel tired or go to sleep, or to make them perform well in a race


1 food and drug administration,食品和药物管理局

2 drug resistance,抗药性

3 on drugs,有吸毒嗜好的

4 drug therapy,药物治疗;药物疗法

5 drug abuse,药物滥用;毒品滥用

6 drug reaction,药物反应

7 drug trafficking,贩毒;毒品走私

8 drug addiction,药物成瘾

9 crude drug,天然药

10 prescription drug,须医师处方才可买的药品

11 drug design,药物设计

12 drug effect,药物作用

13 drug testing,药物检测;药物检查

14 drug addict,吸毒者;滥用药物者

15 drug metabolism,药物代谢,药物代谢酌

16 drug store,药房

17 drug test,药检;兴奋剂检测

18 drug dealer,贩毒者;毒品走私犯

19 drug trade,贩毒

20 drug problem,毒品问题;吸毒问题


1 A lot of young people start taking drugs at school..许多年轻人上学时开始吸毒。

2 She always looks as though she’s on drugs (= taking drugs ) ..她总是看上去一副吸过毒的样子。

3 Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose..吉米·亨德里克斯死于吸毒过量。
